Talking about our top tech of the year [SyrupCast 291]
We’re back in the (online) podcast studio. After suffering some layoffs and downsizing earlier this year, the remaining four members of MobileSyrup are back online to revitalize the SyrupCast.
We’ve wanted to bring back the podcast for a while, but we’re starting slow and working on some more streamlined editing and recording techniques. You can expect another episode the week after the Game Awards on December 12th and then bi-weekly episodes starting in the new year.
We might be a little rough around the edges for the first few back, but bear with us as we iron out the new process and work to bring you a great show in the new year.
We’re in a state of growth and looking for feedback, so if you have any topics you’d like to hear us discuss, feel free to reach out to any of us via email. You can find them on our contact page here.
You can watch/listen to the first new episode of the podcast on YouTube.
You can also listen on your podcast player of choice by searching for ‘SyrupCast.’
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